Author Archives: jesusinkathy

Second stop, Stateside: North Carolina!

Second stop, Stateside: North Carolina! Posted on June 26, 2014by jesusinkathy I arrived in North Carolina on Monday where I am visiting Anne and all her animals:  Bo, Lady, Charlie, Squeaky, Amos, and her 17 alpacas!  I will be here for a week … Continue reading

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Second stop, Stateside: North Carolina!

I arrived in North Carolina on Monday where I am visiting Anne and all her animals:  Bo, Lady, Charlie, Squeaky, Amos, and her 17 alpacas!  I will be here for a week enjoying Touch of Heaven Alpaca Farm.

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I arrived at Pat and John’s house in Ohio on Saturday morning at 2:00 a.m. !  Special time  was had with Pat, John, my brother Doug, Mom, my niece Laurie, great niece Molly and great nephew Gideon!  Thank you, God, … Continue reading

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Last Day of School!

The last day of school began by enjoying the artwork of  our Creator who painted the heavens in beautiful shades of pink this morning!  Driving into the Destino driveway brought back memories of the first time 10 months ago that I … Continue reading

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30 Prepa students graduate, Destino del Reino

Today was a big day for 30 precious Prepa students at Destino del Reino!  Elegantly dressed in their green caps and gowns, they received their diplomas and applause from the parents and teachers attending the service in the church.  Pastor … Continue reading

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More gems from Holiness by Jerry Bridges

Our sinful nature still resides in us, but we have been delivered from the dominion of sin. We are dead to sin’s rule and can stand up to it and say no.  It is our responsibility to resist sin. Indwelling … Continue reading

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Forgiveness is the fragrance that flowers emit when trampled upon!

  Gems from the book Not I But Christ by  Stephen F. Olford Jesus Christ does not want to be our helper; He wants to be our life.  He does not want us to work for Him.  He wants us … Continue reading

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The Clouds Your Chariots

Yesterday at lunch a few teachers were talking about a song they listen to and whether or not it referred to God or another person.  In the song, the person was getting dressed.  The question was raised, did God get … Continue reading

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Father, You Have Placed So Much Variety in Your World!

Rainbow Trees with every layer of bark a different color The fragile petals of the Napoleon and strong red and yellow blooms in the same garden!

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Some End of Year Activities for My First School Year at Destino del Reino

As a Christian teacher my  desire is to be a link in a chain, a bridge, to help my students become all that God created them to be in Him.  My cry today is that God would pour out His … Continue reading

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